Monday, March 31, 2008

Eternal Childhood

Does a person with ADD ever grow up?

One misconception about ADD is that it only affects children. Research and medical opinion now agree, however, that ADD can and often does continue into adulthood. But the idea of being an adult with ADD is seen by many as ludicrous. Not just because ADD has been traditionally seen as a childhood condition, but also because ADD is so incompatible with what we think of as adult behavior. An adult with ADD is seen as being child-like: irresponsible, impulsive, easily distracted or bored, unable to stick with one thing until it's accomplished. She often wonders if she is ever going to become a responsible, steady and mature adult. "Will I ever grow up?" she asks herself.

If being grown up means being boring and unimaginative, enslaved to one's job and settled in a routine, then the answer is, "No, probably not." But if it means broadening one's perspectives, being willing to take risks and daring to dream, the answer is, "Yes." The person with ADD who has not been made to feel guilty about her "immature" behavior can be a person of great joy. The ADD person might seem flighty or irresponsible, but can also be seen as always curious, willing to learn new things and free of inhibitions. If it isn't beaten out of her (literally or figuratively), her "child-like" qualities can add much to the human experience.

Jesus advised us to be like little children. He didn't mean that we should be irresponsible. He meant that we should be open to God's mercy and bountiful goodness. That we should be open to life. We are not to be encumbered by society's rules and restrictions, but live our lives in simple faith. ADD women would be well-served if they are able to accept themselves the way that they are. That doesn't mean that they don't need to find mechanisms to help them cope with their lives. They still have to be at work on time and feed their children every day. But if they can come to understand the great blessing that ADD can be, they will be free of self-judgment and low self-esteem.

1 comment:

Lars Shalom said...


never a hate campaign!!